Monday, January 02, 2006

Blog Announcement

This blog is frozen as of tomorrow, 3rd January when school starts. The author may or may not publish new episodes, as he is taking a study lift to get ready for the term examinations. If he publishes new episodes, cool. Read on.

If he doesn't, firmly bookmark Janus (Ctrl D in Firefox), and come back November, where i promise you episodes will start coming thick and fast. Writing will still continue offline, on paper with pencil, and he hopes, I hope, that you'll be there when Janus is revived. Season 1 is all planned out on paper already, and is just waiting for a firm pen hand to place it all down.

What you'll expect:
  • What come of the ball,
  • What the Janus is,
  • Whether Kyioshi's mission succeeds or fails,
  • And, last of all, how war breaks out again.
Thank you for reading the first episodes of Janus, season 1.

Yours Truly,

The Author


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